Mine Closure Planning & Remediation

DMT's approach is to consider closure and rehabilitation issues from the very start of the development process and to factor them into every stage of the mining project life cycle. We work with our clients to apply an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to cover all potential legacy matters. We have knowledge and expertise to offer practical and effective mitigation and management strategies for mine closure, site rehabilitation and future use planning.

Reutilisation of Former Industrial Sites

Land recycling of former industrial sites makes it possible to use them profitably for new purposes. However, the remediation factors that need to be taken care of require comprehensive mine surveying and geotechnical competence. The focus of our activities is to ensure the long-term stability of the surface areas in line with the requirements of the new utilisation concept and without any detrimental effect to the surrounding environment.

DMT's consultants can support you however far-gone your project is; from initial development of ideas to monitoring construction work. Our range of services covers research on utilisation, investigation of polluted sites, assessment of existing buildings and preparation of feasible remediation plans. We also assist by providing site management and project management experts during the conduct of the project and safeguard your financial and quality interests in the execution phase.

More information on reutilising former industrial sites here and dealing with the legacies of abandoned mining here.